Jan Klaaszn Plug
Jan Klaaszn Plug
Born: 10 May 1789
Noordwijk aan Zee, Zuid Holland, NETHERLANDS
Married: Leuntje Waasdorp - 29 Aug 1811
Noordwijk aan Zee, Zuid Holland, NETHERLANDS
Pieter Plug (b. 1814)
*Cornelis Plug (b. 1816 d.1884)
Dirk Plug (b. 1818 d. 1869)
Cornelia Plug (b. 1821)
Nikolaas (Klaas) Plug (b. 1824 d. 1907)
Pertonella Plug (b. 1827 d. 1856)
Died: 29 August 1831, at Sea
Zeeman (Sailor)
-Klaas Korneliszn Plug (b.1765 d.1797)
-Jaapje vanden Oever (b.1763 d.1826)
Historical Context:
-1789: French Revolution
-1791: Brandenburg Gate (Berlin) is completed
-1792: Capt Vancouver sails the west coast of North America (SF Bay and Vancouver)
-1794: Napoleon’s troops capture Maastricht
-1795: Willem V flees to England and the Dutch Republic falls (to France)
-1800: Population figures:
..World - estimated at 900 M
..Europe - estimated at 132 M
..Netherlands - estimated at 2 M
-1801: Napoleon imposes new constitution on The Netherlands
-1801: London Stock Exchange is formed
-1811: Civil record keeping begins
-1812: War of 1812 (North America)
-1812: Napoleon retreats from Moscow (inspiring the 1812 Overture/Tchaikovsky)
-1813: Hendrik Lindhout (b 1792) of Noordwijk, conscripted into Napoleon’s army, dies in Koniggratz Bohemia.
-1813: Willem I lands at Scheveningen
The Kingdom of the Netherlands formed
-1814: White House (Washington) is burned by British and Canadian forces.
-1815: Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
-1815: Willem I proclaimed King
-1816: Year without a Summer (due to 1815 volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora)
-1816: Argentina declares independence (Spain)
-1819: First steam propelled vessel crosses the Atlantic Ocean
-1822: Brazil declares its independence from Portugal
-1824: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
-1825 February: Great Flood; 800 people die in Gronigen, Friesland and Overijssel
Bomschuiten op het strand
Noordwijk op Zee