Johannes Plug
Johannes Plug
Born: 2 Feb 1840
Noordwijk aan Zee, Zuid Holland, NL
Married: Neeltje Willems Verloop - 25 Jun 1863
Hester Plug (b, 1863 d. 1922)
Hubertje Plug (b. 1866 d. 1948)
Cornelis Plug (b.1867 d. 1945)
Pieter Plug (b. 1870 d. 1951)
Johannes Plug (b. 1872 d. 1956)
Trijntje Plug (b. 1874 d. 1878)
Neeltje Plug (b.1875 d. 1876)
Neeltje Plug (b. 1876 d. 1950)
Trijntje Gertruda Plug (b. 1880 d. 1881)
Died: 19 Nov 1927 Noordwijk aan Zee, ZH NL
-Cornelis Plug (b.1816 d.1884)
-Hester Aries Duindam (b.1812 d.1883)
Historical Context:
-1837: birth of Abraham Kuyper, Dutch journalist, theologian and statesman. PM of The Netherlands 1901 - 1905.
-1839: first railroad in Netherlands is constructed from Amsterdam to Haarlem
Abdication of Willem I
Willem II crowned king
-1842: work resumes on Cologne cathedral
-1843: Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman” opera premieres
-1845/46: Potato Famine
-1846: Mass migration “Landverhuizing” of Netherlanders to USA. Driven by the potato famine, instigated by religious secession (Afscheiding) and led by Van Raalte and Scholte, many Gereformeerde adherents migrate to Michigan and Iowa.
Ministerial Responsibility/Constitutional Monarchy
-1848: Saratoga CA is founded by William Campbell
Willem II dies
Willem III is crowned king
Thorbecke: First Prime Minister
-1853: Vincent van Gogh is born
-1856: Louis Pasteur shows spread of disease by germs.
-1857: Town of Sarnia is incorporated (with approximately 1,000 inhabitants)
-1859: Darwin publishes “Origin of the Species”
- 1867: Confederation of Canada
-1891: St. Clair Tunnel Opens
-1866: Europe and North America are connected by telegraph cable
-1867: Confederation of Canada
-1873: Heineken Family (Noordwijk) founds Heineken Breweries
-1876: Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
- 1890: Wilhelmina enthroned as Queen of The Netherlands (and reigns through 1948).
-1891: St. Clair Tunnel Opens
-1900: Population estimates:
..World - 1.6 billion
.. Europe - 284 million
..Netherlands - 5 million
-1901: Marconi send the first wireless transAtlantic message from England to Newfoundland
-1903: Henry Ford launches the Ford Motor Company
-1903: Wright Brothers first flight
-1914: Germany declares war on France. First World War begins and Netherlands remains neutral.
-1917: Russian Revolution
-1918 (to 1920): “Spanish flu” (influenza) sweeps the world killing between 50 and 100 million people.
-1921/22: Noordwijk Vuurtoren is constructed
-1922: Women win the right to vote in The Netherlands
Willem I
Willem II
Willem III